How did the family relations form ?

Welcome friends to Family Health

          As the name suggests,  this blog is mainly about the family health.  They  are two words,  family and health.  Here we are trying to know about family first.  If we gather at least useful information about family,  we can go ahead towards family health and we will better understand it.  

Main Question : 

Let's continue and go to the main question  :

How did the family relations form ?

Relations are the backbone of any family.  Relations are attached with the emotions.  You know friends that the family relations are the blood relations.  This blood keeps the whole family in a one circle of emotions.  Now you will ask me,  how did the family relations formed in the starting time of family concept ? The family relations were formed in two main ways.  One is the relations by generations and the second  one is the relations by emotions.  

1.  Relations by generations 

         Previously  we have seen what is a family and how the family concept came into existence.  We have also seen that the members of family got increasing. We have come from the nature . Nature knows only male and female.   Thus , initially the only relations were the male and the female. From two parents ( female and male ) , the children were borned.   Later on ,  as human started to speak laungauge and developed some rules of living,  restrictions came over the male - female relations.  The relations started to get names. As such,  the male female who produced the other human beings were called as mother and father.  Those were the first family relations.  The human beings who were created by mother and father were called children and later on were called as son and daughter.  Those sons and daughters were given the relations of brothers and sisters.  In such a way the second family relations were created. The parents were the first generation.  Their own children formed the second generation.  As this second generation grew, naturally they created the third generation.  So,  in the first generation,  there were two relations,  namely husband and wife.  In the second generation,  their children were borned. Over the years,  they have relation of brothers and sisters.  As the number of family members grew,  the number of relations also increased. The children of the second generation were called cousins.  So the relations in the families are generationwise and also emotionswise.  We have seen the generationwise relations and now let's see the relations by emotions.  

2. Relations by emotions :

                 We have seen in the first post that when the family expands it has generationwise relations like grandparents , grandchildren ,  parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins etc . These relations have different emotions attached with them.   This emotional attachment keeps the family members united or tide by one thread.  However, as the members grow,  the relations keep on changing as different things come in the way. The family members are different personalities too.  They have their own emotions,  thoughts,  wants,  opinions etc. Basically the emotions are the self voices and every member of a family has its own voice.   As the members exchange their thoughts in the context of family and also in the context of individual level,  the relations get different angles.  This further divides relations by emotions into Sound relations and Unsound relations.  

1.  Sound relations 

As you know that the relations make an impact on the family.   Relations can strengthen or break down the family . It means as you also know that the relations can be sound or unsound.  When the family members are of the same views the family is united and there are sound relations among them.  The sound relations keep healthy atmosphere in the family and the family development flourishes. However,  it is not always possible. Why  ? Because of egoes and differences of opinions on the family members.  This leads to the second type of family relations  i. e.  the unsound relations.  Let's see them more seriously as they can ruin the united family .

2.  Unsound relations.  

Though unfortunately but very truely many times all the members of a family are not of the same thoughts.  There are differences of opinions in the family members which leads to quarrels or disputes.  In such a way, the unsound relations make the family disturbed or unhealthy.  

         We have come a long way in this post and you must be tired now.  So we stop here and we will see the next step within few more days. 

           Thank you readers.  Be happy.  Be confident.  And of course,  wait eagerly to see the next post. 


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