Solution to all our problems is in one question :
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What will happen next !
( Click the above letters which will take you to a video in which you can listen to what will happen next ....@iwanttotellyou youtube channel )
Know WHAT causes what ?
the birth of this universe is the very first incident , then we can say from
that moment the incidents started to take place. Then after the second, the
third , the fourth and so on happened . Did they happen simultaneously i.e. in
a moment or did they take existence serially i.e. one after another ? If they
happened serially , was there any relation between any two of them or among all
of them ? These questions come to my mind. Perhaps, initially there may not be
any relation , but later on it might have taken place or there might be
relation among them right from the beginning. We know that there is a reason
behind every incident . It is said that nothing happens without a reason. In
short, one event must be behind or the cause of the happening of the second and
so on. In other words, the first incident must be giving birth to the second
incident. In such a way , the incidents must have been taking place. This may
be called as a cycle of incidents and it must be created and controlled by the
time element. This means that the incidents happen in a sequence one after the
another . One incident may be causing the second one and so on. If this serial
pattern and the reason or the reasons behind it or what causes what, is
definitely known by us then we can get solutions at least to our daily life
problems. The scientists and the astrologers of the world are working on this .
Particular Sequence of events in the universe
Thus, there is a particular Sequence of events in the universe or the nature . This sequence is not still exactly understood hundred
percent by us. That is why we are not able to understand our own problems .
Many times we become directionless as we don’t know what is happening and why
is it happening ! We become confused as we can’t ascertain the sequence or the
results and can’t find the proper solutions in a time, as we can’t understand
what causes what plus #whatwillhappennext ! We face many difficulties in our
daily life. If this sequence of incidents can be placed in a mathematical
manner , it will be possible for us to come to certain conclusions, to find out
exact solutions . Problem solving will be much more easier in this way. If we
know what is causing what, then we can take certain steps . Things can be fixed
in this way and there would not be any confusion. But still we have not got
this perfect or fixed mathematical sequence.
Sometimes things happen in our mind first !
Many times , good or bad incidents
start to happen in our own mind. Particularly, we have to be cautious about the
bad events, as the intensity of bad is felt more by our brain. The bad
incidents go down deep in our mind very quickly. Perhaps that is why if a bad
thought comes into our mind, it comes into reality too ! Sometimes it happens
very quickly. Again, many bad things happen after that in a sequence for a
certain period. Nobody can tell when it will stop. It is said that what mind
thinks, enemy does not think ! I have experienced it myself . I was in service
at that time. One day, the task in hand was finished at four o’clock in the
evening. So I sat back task less for few minutes in my chair. I was relaxed a
bit . Suddenly, a thought came to my mind about how the days are going good and
nothing has happened bad for many days ! To the next minute I was alert ! I got
the hint about what I expected ! I did expect something bad while thinking ! I
became tensed . There was no way . I had thought the wrong and to my surprise
the wrong or bad thing actually took place within one and half an hour ! My
friend in Mumbai called me and said that my transfer order is being faxed by
the regional office. The fax came in after five minutes. I was not prepared for
the transfer at that time. I had started work of building a compound around my
house. The labors were expected within one or two days to start the work. I had
old aged mother , very young son and my wife had to face all work lonely. There
was nobody else in my house. But I had no choice. I had to go and I went away
from my home leaving all tasks and family behind. I had applied for the loan
and the bank gave me the cheque of 1.25 lacs exactly in the afternoon of the
day of my departure ! I handed over the cheque to my wife and went by that
night bus. I had trouble to locate my office. There were no mobile phones in
those days. This office was in jungle, far away from city. It was an undeveloped
village area. More to it , my boss became fond of me within few days ! My
punctuality and the working system developed in my previous office, caught his
eyes. He said that he will not forward my application of transfer for the next
six months. But the great God brought me back after five months ! My previous
boss and an officer in the regional office saw to it. However, those five
months almost took my life. Even after receiving my transfer order, my boss was
not leaving me ! He told that he wanted me there at least for next two months
to set up the office as per his mind and only I could do that ! I told him to
leave me then and I could come back to do work as per his outlines. He called
meeting of my 02 immediate officers and at last it was decided to relieve me !
I had almost an heart attack until then ! I was relieved at last when boss
himself came to me and announced that he was relieving me on the evening !
There was a condition that I had to come for few days to work there. I agreed
happily and got relieved . Many bad incidents came in my way in those days. In
fact, it was a systematic chain of events. Luckily that stopped after five
months. In such a way , I have experienced the bad events coming after one
another and through one another ! Again after four years , I had the period of
critical sequences , but I would like to keep it for the next article. In such
type of a bad cycle very strange things happen and I did get the taste of it !
One more example
Sometimes a coincidence happen
like a crow sits and branch cuts ! Again , your mindset at that time becomes
important. How you see it and how you deal with the situation is a very very
important. But one thing is certain. Things do happen in
a sequence ! Things happen one after another in such a
way that there must be some relation or formula. Let us see one more example in
my own life. Generally I don’t believe in such things. However, a strange
experience forced me at least to think in that direction. In 2014, I took the
work of house renovation. I was not getting labours for plastering my house.
One day, one suggested a unit. I called and two persons came to see me. While
discussing with them I was just taking them towards my house . At that time one
black colored dog crossed us . I was contacted with its eyes in a flash , its
eyes were changed into dark yellow and there was something in its eyes that
almost stopped me to reconsider this contract. I thought for a moment not to
give this work to those people. But looking the conditions I had no option to give them the contract. So I said
them to carry on and even I gave them Rs. 20000 as an advance . The next day
the labours were expected to come and start plastering my house. But the man
called me in the early morning saying that somebody was dead in his neighbor,
so the labours will come tomorrow. I had no choice to say ok. That was not
enough. The very next day , the same man called me in the early morning . This
time his brother’s wife was slipped in the bathroom and had to be taken to a
hospital in Kolhapur. This time next four to five days wasted . At last after a
week the labours came to work . I was about to relaxed , then their machine
went out of order. It went out of order for three to four times in a day and
every time it has to be taken to the city to make it work again ! It was really
boring. Again, their work was not upto the level and it was not proper to
continue them. Here are some pictures of their raw and rough plastering.

So I at last I took the decision to stop them working. I even
paid Rs. 4000 less to them as I had to done the work by somebody else and had
to pay for it , which I did. Here one
thing is certain . I had to rethink about the dog crossing us and changing
color of his sight ! Now , I think, perhaps that dog tried to suggest me something
by its strange sight. I am not certain , but perhaps… perhaps… I don’t know
exactly. I can’t understand the exact serial of the incidents in the nature. I
still don’t know what happens due to what and what will happen next ! Unless and until I come to know it
or understand it I should not say anything about it .
