From the Poverty Line

                       The common people have no choice but to live as it comes . They just have to depend upon and to look at the richer section .They just don’t have power or money to influence anybody . There are many programs to raise the standard of living of common man , but still the efforts lack something so the target can’t be achieved as it should be ! Surprisingly enough , there are many rich people , strong institutions working in this field . They are big people , strong people having political blessings . Apart from this, as the people say , the poor are becoming more poor and the richer are getting more rich !

                        I see many declarations , advertisements , speeches about the poverty killing. Perhaps , the expenditure made on the advertisements is much more than the amount of money spent on actual poverty eradication . In terms of India, it is said that India is poor because it is poor ! It applies to the whole world of poverty in the world ! Poors are poor because they are poor ! They just don’t have the vision to overcome the people who keep them poor ! Yes, there is a certain tendency of some people who always want to keep some people below the poverty line ! That helps them to become more rich and more powerful ! It is a money making business ! Capturing more power in business ! If a certain class remains at the lowest level , deprived of even basic things of life , then the other class gets some benefits from this ! In this context , who will really want to help the real poor to level those centres of power and money ? If poor becomes rich who will be running behind the big people ?

                             Poverty itself has become the main obstacle in the path of poverty eradication ! There are few very cunning people who want to keep the poor , poor ! They are the real beneficiaries of poverty ! Yes, there is a part of society who wants that the poverty must be there forever ! Show of poverty must be there forever to benefit this section of society . It is not only the money , but the power factor is also comes into this picture . Particularly , the people in power always want to keep their power forever !  The power of ruling ; the power of ruling the poor people ! This instinct keeps the poverty live forever !


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