Education the value of life


                     It is a general experience that the students are not giving expected results. They are not giving hundred percent . They are not giving justice to their ability, capacity and brilliance. Many parents and teachers are saying such things in general. Except the exceptions, nobody is particular and serious about this. In fact, everybody must give full attention to this . The students of today are the future of tomorrow . Country must look at them from this angle.

Teaching : The base of Society .

                 In any society, teacher must have a special position. Our society purely depends upon the standard of education which the students receive. Teacher's attitude and personality must be clean, clear and teacher must be like a god to the students and a society at large. Teacher is the person who is going to mould the students right from the beginning. Hence it is up to the teacher and his teaching abilities, capacities to make a future successful human being . Teacher is the base of education. But he is not the only one. As certain behavior is expected from teacher, the students and the society must also worship the teacher. What about the infrastructure facilities provided to teachers and students ? That is also important and plays very important role in our bringing good to the society at large.

The Attitude of the concerned people :

             Unfortunately, in general we don't have the right attitude towards education. The different results show that particularly in India, we are not practical enough to mould the students. We are not able to give right direction. Proper selection of study or course is not there . In fact, the base is not prepared for the greatest national asset or resource. Yes, education is an asset to the nation. It is a great resource as well. Do we really look at it from this angle ? No, we don't ! It is the backbone of any country. Hence, people must give due consideration to education. That is why, the attitude of the concerned people is very very important . I regret to say that we are not enough serious about our attitude towards the education . We are letting the process go by itself. No real valuation is being made . The dreamers dream and the majority go on that dreams . This is a carelessness. The makers of the syllabus tend to make experiments rather than giving hundred percent definite programme/s . Even if a proper syllabus is provided after a long study, nobody is interested to actually teach wholeheartedly and nobody is interested in listening or grasping it ! There are too many exams and complicated syllabus. The same is made more complicated by the teachers who don't know how to teach such things. The students don't know how to listen carefully, study deeply and learn properly. The schools show finger towards the parents and the parents show finger towards the schools ! The parents think that they are giving money to the schools and the schools should look after their children . The schools think that it is the parents' duty to take revisions of their children. Again, the parents now a days, are becoming helpless before their own children ! The generation gap is widening. The parents are sandwiched between the schools and the students . Running of the school has become a business now a days ! The whole Institute is running after collecting money and keeping the accounts right on paper ! Who cares for the actual process of delivering the education or knowledge ? They just do not have the time for that ! Government is delivering plans and grants . Who checks whether the plans are implemented correctly and who knows how the grants are utilized ! Every picture is towered as high as possible. Dreams are being given, but no practicals which are actually needed .

What should be done ?

              Even though the situation is like a mess, every question has an answer. There are certain remedies or steps which must be taken seriously and sincerely . In exact words, I say, that each and every factor included in the process of education, must give hundred percent. The process is vast and it must be made clear to all that it must be viewed in proper sense. First we have to focus on all the exact steps and have to build proper road to reach the final aim. In our society all the time we teach the others how to do things . To teach the others, first we have to teach ourselves. This is not happening and it must happen. That is the simple way to enhance our society . Education will help us to progress and for that we have to make progress in the process of education; in giving and taking education. All the factors in the process of education must be molded first and then and then only we will be able to mold the little little children. It is not an easy thing to do, but it is not impossible too ! If we have the will and if we execute it properly, we will definitely reach our goal. Of course, there will be the difficulties and problems , but we have to overcome them first in our own minds. If we overcome that then we will definitely overcome the main barriers much more earlier. If we know that the education builds a nation, we must first build our education ! That will really help the society at large .

R U Ready to go  for the Education ?
   If u r ready then start it right now . Educate yourself and help others to educate themselves !



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